Short: News about Istar, 23.11.96 Author: Uploader: Version: 1.045 Type: biz/misc ISTAR NEWS 23rd November 1966 Special version of Istar put up that hopefully fixes the bug and allows Istar to run on 3000 and 4000 OK (at least it does so on my 4000 and 3000). It is still full of trace text, but please try it. It is on Aminet at biz/misc/IstarSpecial 15th November 1996 I have heard from a user that Istar freezes a 3000 when thy hit the New button. It *might* be their gfx chip, they think, but I have had similar problem on the 4000. When hitting New it goes into infinite loop, though it does not freeze the machine. I am investigating it. But not all is lost. On my 4000 at least I can GetKB an existing KB and work with that. 13th November 1996 On 8.11 I found a 'silly' bug in Version 1.04, that prevented you changing value types. So quickly corrected it and uploaded Version 1.041. But also I added an IstarPrefs_Example. Problem was that that file contained extra funny characters (I had to rush; always a dangerous thing to do!) So please replace it with the following: ---- start of IstarPrefs_Example NKB="New Inference net" KX=20 KZ=20000 MRL=9999 W=960 H=400 D=3 BAFont=thin609.font FHBA=8 QnFont=CGTimes.font FHQ=20 DocFont=CGTimes.font FHD=11 ---- end 6th November 1996 Version 1.04 of Istar is now out. I have been advised to place it in dev/misc, but want to keep it in biz/misc too. Copyright (c) Andrew Basden, 1996